
Thursday, October 13, 2011

October Reminders


·        I LOVE TECHNOLOGY: Follow our class on Twitter:
Follow us and I will post classroom reminders!
·        CONFERENCES: I have sent conference requests to all parents with an email from www.TUNGLE.ME  Please check your junk boxes just in case it went to spam.  Please sign up for a 15 minute slot on the available times given November 14-18. If you prefer to sign up on paper, just see me!
·        Minimum Day for PM classes: Thursday, October 27th. PM classes will be dismissed at 2:15.
·        Fall Festival: on Friday, October 28nd the PTA is having a Fall Family Festival from 5:00-8:00pm. There will be food, games, music and FUN!
·        Red Ribbon Week: will be October 24th-28 th. See the left column for daily, school-wide activities of what to wear to school!
·        Halloween Sign Up: Thanks to all of you who signed up to bring in items for our Double Day Celebration. We need those items brought in by Friday,  October 28th.
·        Friendship Walk: will be Sunday, October 30th. Friendship Walk from 8am-12pm. Indicate Washington School when you register and all proceeds will go to our R.B. Education Foundation. 
Join KB!  Mrs. Smith and I will be walking!
·        Double Day: We will have a double day Monday, October 31st for our Halloween Parade. This means that ALL students come to the morning session from 8:00-11:20am! The parade starts around 9:00am on the big playground. Hope to see you there!!
·        ASSESSMENTS: will begin Monday, October 17th, please see the back of this newsletter to see what you can be practicing at home to prepare!
·        NO School: for 1 whole week! Monday, November 21st through Friday, November 25th for the Thanksgiving break!

Family Homework

Great job on the September Family Homework. Everyone was so creative!  Please go through the main hallway to see the KB-PM bulletin board for the month of October! the students read Where is My Mummy? and wrote a sentence to match their art project.